Any doctor practicing a recognized system of medicine and registered with the Medical council of India or equally competent authority is eligible to become a member of the organization provided he/she :
  1. Pledges after understanding the Constitution of the Organisation that he/she shall abide by it.
  2. Is ready to pay Rupees One Thousand (Rs. 1000/-) as a lifetime fee and contribute monthly Rupees Two Hundred and Fifty (Rs. 250/-) (as decided by the organization from time to time) to meet the monetary needs of the Organization.
  3. Pledges to uphold the organizational ethics and actively volunteers in the activities of the organization.
Membership certificate and Photo ID card will be issued once the application is accepted by the President of the State.
Desirable qualities of a member :
  1. To be always aware and alert of the limits set by Allah swt and his Prophet saw and conscious of abiding by it.
  2. He/She should always struggle and attempt to strengthen the relationship with Almighty Allah.
  3. Recast his/ her outlook, smashing the idols of arrogance and egoism so as to give-up totally into the command of Allah.
  4. Cleanup the life with customs and traditions of ignorance (Jaheliyat) which are conflicting with the commands of the Quraan and Hadees.
  5. Should be generous towards patients and assume social responsibility towards healthcare.
  6. Should always try to eradicate evils from the profession and struggle to establish virtues.
  7. Should always try to update knowledge both in professional and eternal entrust.